STEM education

Gifted and talented students program

STEM education classroom

Outreach is occurring at many levels at the University's Mid-Central Research and Outreach Center (MCROC) in Willmar, MN. VBS Associate Professor Tim Johnson often meets with local elementary school students at the facility to talk about science. Currently, he is working with the gifted and talented program within the Willmar school district. Several groups of students in the program have visited MCROC, where they have learned about life as a researcher and have toured a research laboratory. Dr. Johnson then gives them with a presentation on "germs" and the "good" bacteria that inhabit our bodies and contribute to health and well-being. These activities provide rural Minnesota students at an early stage of their education to the opportunities available in science careers, emphasizing that a path to a successful career in science can be pursued by anyone, including kids from small-town Minnesota.

Veterinary Anatomy Museum

Animal organs and blood veins anatomical display

The Veterinary Anatomy Museum contains a collection of teaching specimens that supplement the anatomy teaching program of the College of Veterinary Medicine.

While most museum specimens are derived from domestic animals, the collection also includes a variety of specimens representing zoo animals and wildlife, including a dolphin skeleton and an elephant skull.

The museum collection began with skeletal specimens for anatomy teaching shortly after the college was founded in 1947. During the 1960's, the late Dr. Walter Mackey, a member of the class of 1951, developed the process for making skeletal vascular cast specimens. In 1975, the most valuable anatomy specimens were moved from the anatomy lab to dedicated museum space in the new Animal Science/Vet. Med. building.

The Anatomy Museum collection, as it exists today, was overwhelmingly the result of Dr. Vic Cox's efforts over the years. Dr. Cox is now an Emeritus Faculty member, but the Anatomy Museum remains a popular stop on prospective student tours of the Veterinary College and also during primary/secondary school group tours. Museum tours are tailored to fit the age level of each individual group. For groups interested in scheduling a tour, please contact Abby Brown or 612-624-6170.

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