COVID-19 and pig viruses - What can we learn?
Drs. Marie Culhane and Montse Torremorell, swine influenza experts at the University of Minnesota have been taking a closer look at COVID-19, the human coronavirus impacting our lives around the globe and comparing it to the swine viruses we are all familiar with. How does it compare? What can we learn?
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Practical biosecurity recommendations to prevent COVID-19 in farm workers and allied operations
The Swine Disease Eradication center at the University of Minnesota recently released practical recommendations (pdf) regarding biosecurity measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in farm workers and other allied operations.
Spanish version available (pdf) | Portuguese version available (pdf)
On 04/15/2020, Dr. Montse Torremorell gave a webinar sponsored by the National Pork Board and she made her slides available for downloading:
COVID-19: A biosecurity threat like nothing seen before
Drs. Montse Torremorell and Jeff Bender from the College of Veterinary Medicine and the School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota share an updated document about biosecurity measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center (UMASH)
UMASH has developed its own set of resources to help farmers during the COVID-19 outbreak.