Frequently Asked Questions
What is the minimum volume?
This is the required sample volume needed to perform testing on the analyzer. The minimum volume does not allow for repeat testing or the addition of tests after the original testing has been performed.
Commonly used abbreviations
LIH – Lipemic, icteric, hemolysis index
This a semi-quantitative determination of the lipemic, icteric, hemolysis index of the sample. It is a photometric test that assesses the indices.
QNS – Quantity not sufficient
The amount of specimen is not adequate for completion of the testing.
ND – No data
This a reporting value in the computer generated reports. It generally refers to a sample that is QNS or a test that was not performed.
< or > - Less than or greater than
The < or > symbol before a result value indicates that the value was below or above the reportable range limit of a particular analyte’s linearity.
Urine dipstick analysis: Why are the leukocytes, urobilinogen and nitrates not reported out?
Leukocyte test pads give false positive test results in most cats in absence of pyuria, and therefore are of no value in this species.
Leukocytes test pads give false negative test results in dogs, even when pyuria is present. Presence or absence of leukocytes is routinely evaluated using urine sediment.
Urobilinogen test pads have no significant value in the routine evaluation of canine and feline urine. Do not rely on urobilinogen test pads to screen patients for hemolytic disorders, hepatic disorders, or patency of bile duct.
Nitrite test pads give false negative results in dogs and cats. Evaluation of urine sediment and/or bacterial cultures can be utilized to determine an infection.
Commonly used abbreviations
EDTA – ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
It is an anticoagulant for blood samples that chelates calcium thus preventing the clotting cascade from occurring.
Plt – platelet
QNS – Quantity not sufficient
The amount of specimen is not adequate to complete testing.
ND – No data
This a reporting value in the computer generated reports. It generally refers to a sample that is QNS or a test that was not performed.
Commonly used abbreviations
FDP – Fibrin degradation products
Also known as FSP or fibrin split products. Indicator of DIC.
DIC – Disseminated intravascular coagulation
PT – Prothrombin time
PT measures factors II, V, VII, X and fibrinogen of the extrinsic pathway of the coagulation cascade.
aPTT – Activated partial thrombin time
aPTT measures the intrinsic or activation contact pathway and the common pathway.
FIB - Fibrinogen