hands holding a cat's face

Who we are

The Clinical Investigation Center (CIC) develops and facilitates veterinary clinical trials and research studies that may lead to new drugs, devices, procedures, and treatments for the benefit of animals and humans alike. We provide scientific and clinical expertise, facilities, technical staff, and overall study coordination to researchers looking to advance human and veterinary medicine. The CIC conducts studies in accordance with Good Clinical Practices (GCP) and Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) regulations upon request.

Our vision

The vision for the CIC is to be the premier veterinary research center for clinical trials in the United States. The best medical centers not only apply the most current information, they create it. To this end, clinical research is inseparable from providing state-of-the-art health care. The University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine is recognized as a world leader in clinical research, where new knowledge is created from each patient.

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For researchers

Efficient, experienced, equipped

With a committed sponsor, we can have your project up and running in 45 days or less. Our preexisting budget, contract, and protocol forms allow us to provide you with a smooth negotiation process. Working with the CIC gives you access to faculty experts in nearly every specialty, a large technical staff, and approximately 40,000 clinical cases per year, which helps us provide you with proficient study design and execution.

We have more than 15 years of experience completing FDA phase I-IV studies, exploring new veterinary devices, treatments, and procedures. CIC Director Antonella Borgatti, DVM, MS, Dipl. ACVIM (Oncology), Dipl. ECVIM-CA, has more than 15 years experience executing FDA, NIH, and veterinary clinical research projects.

And at the CIC, we are equipped with expert resources, including:

  • Board-certified staff in all specialty areas of veterinary medicine;
  • 3T MRI;
  • Linear accelerator;
  • Gait lab featuring kinetics and 3D kinematics;
  • CT scan (64 slice);
  • C-arm digital fluoroscopy;
  • Endoscopy, arthroscopy, laparoscopy, and ultrasound;
  • One of the largest caseloads among veterinary teaching hospitals in the United States; and
  • 24-hour emergency service with round-the-clock hospital operations.

To learn more about our facilities and equipment or to start a trial study collaboration please contact us at [email protected].

For pet owners

At the CIC, we help determine whether new drugs or treatments are safe and effective. Our clinical trials are research-powered efforts to answer specific questions about medications, vaccines, or new therapies. Each clinical trials has a specific purpose. Carefully conducted clinical trials are the fastest and safest way to find treatments that work for animals and humans alike.

Participating in a clinical trial at the CIC

There is some risk with any clinical trial, just as there is with many medical procedures. However, all clinical trials have been reviewed by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee before they can begin. Informed owner consent is an essential part of any study, which means that we provide you with all the information upfront. You must agree to all aspects of a trial in writing before your pet can enter the study.

Learn more about our IACUC process
Review our list of current clinical trials

If you are interested in having your pet seen at the Veterinary Medical Center, please contact the hospital directly, at 612-626-VETS (8387).

Please contact us at [email protected] with any questions or to start a clinical trial at the Clinical Investigation Center.