Strategic plan 2023-2026

After extensive information gathering and discussion, the College of Veterinary Medicine has completed its Strategic Plan for 2023 to 2026. The plan consists of a 10-year vision, a set of 3-year goals, and several 12–18 month strategies to address each goal. As the college moves into the implementation phase, this website will summarize key developments.

Now in the implementation phase, teams are working on the strategies. Progress reports are available below under each of the goals. For more information, contact Chris Dillon, chief operating officer, if you have questions.

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An illustration of blue and purple gears of various sizes with a diverse group of people climbing up and around them

College’s Strategic Plan is advancing

Dean Laura Molgaard speaks on the development of the College's Strategic Plan and the significant progress being made to strengthen it in the last six months. Read some success stories from the plan here.


GOAL: Infrastructure

     Modernize and prepare our physical infrastructure, resources, and processes for the future.

Improving our digital and physical infrastructure will help the College pursue new opportunities. Getting there involves establishing metrics and norms, evaluating and prioritizing our needs, and developing funding models to make improvements.

Action plan and current status

GOAL: Partnerships

     Advance our external relationships to allow new ways to deliver our mission to meet the needs of tomorrow.

External partnerships exist at all levels of our college–individually and organizationally. They are vital to our success. To advance our relationships we are identifying gaps and opportunities among our current partnerships, developing a better process for managing relationships, and identifying and eliminating barriers to effective partnerships.

Action plan and current status

GOAL: Engagement of people

     Create a vibrant atmosphere | environment where our people have a strong sense of belonging and CVM pride in  work and learning

An engaged community working toward a shared mission can achieve extraordinary results. Everything we do starts with our people. We will begin by setting realistic expectations that make success achievable, support a growth mindset through professional development and mentorship, enhancing collaboration and problem-solving, and dedicating time and support to increasing our literacy and application of diversity, equity and inclusion to create transformative change.

Action plan and current status

How we got here

To develop our strategic plan we  gathered information in a variety of ways, including a series of focus groups organized around six themes. College and faculty leaders developed an environmental scan to provide future context for the strategic plan. An analysis of the college’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats was created. We also held an Open House in to debut the draft strategic plan.