Declan Schroeder

Declan Schroeder, PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Veterinary Population Medicine (VPM)
Office Phone
Dr. Schappa photo

Jill Schappa, DVM, Dipl. ACVP

Assistant Professor, Clinical Pathology, Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Mark Rutherford

Mark Rutherford, MS, PhD

Associate Professor Department of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
Office Phone
Erin Royster

Erin Royster, DVM, MS

Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Population Medicine (VPM)
Office Phone
Albert Rovira

Albert Rovira, DVM, PhD

Professor, Department of Veterinary Population Medicine (VPM)
Office Phone

Stephanie Rossow, DVM, PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Veterinary Population Medicine (VPM)
Office Phone
Margaret Root

Margaret Root, DVM, PhD, DACT, MMedEd

Associate Dean of Education, Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Jordan Roberts

Jordan Roberts, DVM, DACVO

Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology, Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Aaron Rendahl

Aaron Rendahl, PhD

Associate Professor of Statistics and Informatics, Department of Veterinary & Biomedical Sciences
Office Phone
Kent Reed

Kent Reed, MS, PhD

Professor and Chair, Department of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
Office Phone