All Articles: Research

MRSA bacteria under magnification

Researchers have identified a new target for treating antibiotic-resistant MRSA infections

A cartoon star-shaped trophy

VBS faculty, staff, and trainees receive awards for excellence in the fields of research, teaching, and service.

Two men standing in a laboratory facing the camera while another man stands in the background with a pipette

Peter Larsen and  Jonathan Oliver discuss their research using portable sequencing technology to identify tick-borne viruses in the field.

A group of people standing in a line in front of a whiteboard

A MnDRIVE Mini Symposium was hosted in March 2023 to bring together individuals to discuss foodborne outbreaks of Salmonella.

Former Summer Scholar Jen Luckach presenting a poster to a woman

The Summer Scholars program introduces CVM graduate students to research in veterinary medicine

A baby pig is being nuzzled by an adult pig

Researchers identify the vaccination and weaning of 3-week-old piglets as a high-risk window for influenza-A virus transmission.

A close up view of a tick on a person's finger

Ticks may play an overlooked role in spreading the always fatal neurological disease.

Several deer in a field with trees behind

New research will help focus response efforts and guide decision making to curb the spread of the deadly neurologic disease.

The side profile of a great dane

Up to 20 percent of large and giant breed dogs develop osteosarcoma in their lifetime. Most cases aren’t found until they’re advanced stage.

Female moose reclining in grass with calf standing in background near trees

The non-invasive method can help Indigenous tribes ensure moose population health for key cultural practices and food security.