Recent VBS Awards
June 16, 2023
Next Generation Leadership Award
Emily Kathambi VMED graduate student (pictured far left in top photo) working in the laboratory of VBS Assistant Professor Peter Larsen was among a select group of international young scientists to receive the Next Gen Leadership Award at the 2023 Advances in Genome Biology and Technology (AGBT) Agriculture conference in San Antonio, Texas. Emily also presented a scientific poster at the AGBT 2023 conference. Congratulations Emily!
Academies for Excellence Award
The Minnesota Center for Prion Research & Outreach (MNPRO) received an award on Tuesday, April 11 at the University of Minnesota Academies of Excellence annual award ceremony. The Academies for Excellence recognizes outstanding faculty in the areas of scientific research, educational scholarship, clinical practice, and team science.
(Photo taken by Tonya Seiler)
CVM Research Day
On Thursday, April 6th, 2023, the Research Office in the College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) hosted the annual CVM Research Day. Research Day provides an opportunity for faculty, students, and staff to share their outstanding work with each other as well as partners and stakeholders outside the college. VBS participants and award winners included the following categories:
Kate Dixon, graduate student working in the laboratory of VBS Professor Bruce Walcheck submitted, "Improving Cancer Immunotherapy Targeting Lymphoma."
Lexi Frank, graduate student working in the laboratory of VBS Assistant Professor Peter Larsen submitted, "Whose Poo? Identifying Mammals from Fecal Samples."
Fernanda Fumuso, graduate student working in the laboratory of VBS Associate Professor Roberta O'Connor submitted, "Finding a treatment for Cryptosporidiosis."
Manci Li, graduate student working in the laboratory of VBS Assistant Professor Peter Larsen submitted, "Selective Vulnerability of Brain Cells to Alzheimer's Disease."
Anders Matson, VMED graduate student working in the laboratory of VBS Professor Bruce Walcheck submitted, "Improving Natural Killer Cell Therapies for Cancer." (2nd place winner)
Shania Sanchez, graduate student working in the laboratory of VBS Professors Yuying Liang and Hinh Ly submitted, "Development of a host targeted antiviral therapeutic to treat respiratory viral disease."
Nicole Tate, graduate student working in the laboratory of VBS Professors Yuying Liang and Hinh Ly submitted, "Improving Standardbred Health and Performance with Genetics."
Natalie Kirk, VMED graduate student working in the laboratory of VBS Professors Yuying Liang and Hinh Ly submitted, "Evaluation of a new tuberculosis vaccine in mice." (1st place winner)
- Fang Li Research Award in Clinical Veterinary Science recipient was Ilya Slizovskiy
- Fang Li Research Award in Basic Veterinary Science recipient was Natalie Kirk
- Sam Maheswaran Graduate Fellowship recipient was Fernanda Fumuso
- Dr. Mike Murtaugh Graduate Science Fellowship recipients were Lexi Frank and Manci Li
- Al Weber DVM/PhD Scholarship recipient was Haeree Park Lang
- Dr. James & Janice Moe Fellowship recipient was Shania Sanchez
Congratulations to the award winners, and thank you to all who participated in this event! For full event details please visit the additional event photos, please visit the CVM Research Day website and VBS Photo Library.
CVM Education Day
On Friday, May 19th, 2023, the Office of Academic and Student Affairs in the College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) hosted CVM Education Day. This annual event provides an opportunity for faculty, students, and staff to celebrate educational excellence in the College and learn about new approaches and developments in teaching. Poster presenters and award recipients from VBS included the following individuals:
Emily Truckenbrod, Abby Brown, Sarah Brown and Roxanne Larsen, presented "Survey of Veterinary Anatomy Courses and Specimen Procurement."
Dawn Foster-Hartnett, Cheryl Dvorak, Lisa Bofenkamp and Tim Johnson presented, "FUTI's: An In-person or Online Graphing, Bioinformatics, and Scientific Literacy Exercise that Explores the Presence of Antibiotic Resistance in Foodborne Urinary Tract Infections."
2023 TEACHING AWARD RECIPIENTS (presented by CVM Dean Laura Molgaard)
- VBS Outstanding Teacher award: Roxanne Larsen
- CVM Outstanding Staff Teaching award: Abby Brown
- VBS Undergraduate Teaching award: Dawn Foster-Hartnett
- CVM Excellence in Course Coordination Year 1 award: John Collister
- CVM Award for Graduate Teaching and Advising: Yuying Liang
- CVM Instructor Development Certificates: Abby Brown (Teaching Laboratory Support), Sarah Brown and Emily Truckenbrod
- Zoetis Distinguished Teaching Award: John Collister (pictured with Dean Molgaard)
In addition, VBS Associate Professor and Senior Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs Erin Burton hosted a vibrant discussion with two outside speakers on curricular revision that is detailed in "CVM News" below. Congratulations to all the award winners and the co-authors of SOTL posters, and thank you to those who organized and attended this important event! For more details, please visit the CVM Education Day website and VBS Photo Library.