All Articles: Vetmed

Close-up of deer tick crawling on skin

With funding from the NIH, researchers led by CVM’s Matt Aliota are investigating an emerging tick-borne virus.

A cat lying on a blanket

A clinical trial is paving the way for a new treatment for cats with osteoarthritis—and it hits close to home for CVM researchers.

People looking at posters in a conference hall.

From lab to field to academic conference, participants in CVM’s 2024 Veterinary Summer Scholars program explore the world of research.

Researcher Profile: Eva Furrow (title screen)

A new video series highlights the people who make CVM a research powerhouse.

Person looking into a microscope

CVM is accepting applications for an NIH-funded training program in comparative medicine and pathology.

A cat lies on an exam table while a doctor performs an ultrasound and examines the computer screen results

Preliminary results from a clinical trial show promise for improved treatment of painful urinary stones in cats.


New CVM research examines the specific ways SARS-CoV-2 impacts the brain.

Still from AG video profile

A new video series highlights the people who make CVM a research powerhouse.

capillary tubes and thermomixer used in Cap-QuIC

Distinguishing infected samples with the naked eye will make testing more accessible and cost-effective.

Cesar Corzo presents at IPVS 2024

Swine veterinarians and scientists will head to Minnesota for the 2028 International Pig Veterinary Society Congress