Veterinary Population Medicine

Perle Zhitnitskiy

Perle Zhitnitskiy, DVM, MSpVM

Associate Professor, Department of Veterinary Population Medicine (VPM)
Office Phone
Jenna Young

Jenna Young, DVM, Dipl. ACVS (Large Animal)

Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Population Medicine (VPM)
Office Phone
Arno Wuenschmann

Arno Wuenschmann, Dr. vet. med., DACVP

Professor, Department of Veterinary Population Medicine (VPM)
Office Phone
Tiffany Wolf

Tiffany Wolf, DVM, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Population Medicine (VPM)
Office Phone
Michelle Willette

Michelle Willette, DVM

Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Population Medicine (VPM)
Office Phone
Scott Wells

Scott Wells, DVM, PhD

Professor, Department of Veterinary Population Medicine (VPM)
Office Phone
Sara Wefel

Sara Wefel, DVM, DABVP (Equine Specialty)

Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Population Medicine (VPM)
Office Phone
Christie Ward

Christie Ward, DVM, PhD, MVSc, Dipl. ACVIM

Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Veterinary Population Medicine (VPM)
Office Phone
Fabio Vannucci

Fabio Vannucci, DVM, PhD, MS

Associate Professor, Department of Veterinary Population Medicine (VPM)
Office Phone
Kimberly Vanderwaal

Kimberly VanderWaal

Associate Professor, Department of Veterinary Population Medicine (VPM)
Office Phone