All Articles: Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences

Researchers Evan Kipp, Laramie Lindsey, Julia Baker, Marissa Milstein, and Cristina Blanco collecting mosquitos for the study.

Nanopore sequencing dually identifies blood-feeding insects and food source species


Dr. Chidiebere Onoh joins the laboratory of Dr. Roberta O'Connor through the Infectious Disease and One Health program (IDOH).


Dr. Roxanne Larsen, Marc Schwabenlander, and the MNPRO team have developed 3D models of deer and bovine heads for testing and training.


Dr. John Collister and his team investigate a cluster of nerves in the hypothalamus, which helps direct the body’s blood pressure.


A recent study by CVM researchers points to specific cellular activity in the brain that may increase vulnerability to Alzheimer’s disease.


VBS would like to offer a congratulations for the recent award accomplishments of VBS graduate students and  postdoctoral associates.

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The worldwide Pandemic known as COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 (Coronavirus) has consumed the media, our government, and has changed our day-to-day liv

Professor Fang Li recently published, "Cryo-EM structure of a SARS-CoV-2 omicron spike protein ectodomain," in Nature Communications.