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A group of College of Veterinary Medicine researchers aims to give scientists a more nuanced look at whether past infection by one genetic variant of PRRSV will provide immunity against another.

Five of six horses under anesthesia had significantly greater blood-oxygen levels with a 15-degree table tilt compared to no tilt at all, a recent study from the University of Minnesota shows.

Researchers have discovered what they believe to be the presence of two lymph nodes in the pelvic region of certain dogs that were previously undocumented in the animal.

The most common cause of new infectious strains in both pigs and people is something called viral gene reassortment, which occurs when two different influenza viruses infect the same cell and then swap gene segments.  

The specific mechanism for how HIV-1 persisted during a host cell’s stress-response period had been unclear until now. The findings could open doors for improved HIV treatment.

Ketosis, or hyperketonemia, is a disorder in dairy cows that often occurs during the weeks surrounding calving. 

Commercial rehydration solutions are formulated to correct electrolyte abnormalities, dehydration, and blood pH levels, but most are also hypertonic—meaning they can lead to further fluid losses in the intestine and prolong recovery.

The outbreak occurred in two waves, first between October and December of 2020 and again, in larger numbers, beginning in April of 2021.

While it’s understood that predators like wolves can directly reduce disease among their prey by killing those infected, these findings suggest that wolf influence on cervid movements and habitat choices might indirectly reduce parasite transmission.