Newly funded: Sparing dogs from skin condition flare-ups

February 8, 2021

a golden retriever rolls onto its back to scratch an itch

Pyoderma, atopic dermatitis, and seborrhea are relatively common, troublesome skin conditions in dogs. These disorders cause a cadre of problems such as itching, hair loss, secondary bacterial or fungal infections, and behavioral problems due to psychological stress as a result of chronic discomfort. Recently, Sheila Torres, DVM, MS, PhD, received $32,000 from Ceva Animal Health to conduct a clinical study investigating pharmaceutical shampoo and mousse treatments to alleviate symptoms in dogs experiencing a flare of their pyoderma, atopic dermatitis, or seborrhea. For each skin condition, the study team will enroll three to four dogs who will receive a therapeutic shampoo and mousse to treat their ailment. Owners will apply the treatment and observe the dogs’ symptoms and behaviors and complete three visits to the University’s Veterinary Medical Center for exams, assessments, and sample collection. The investigators will determine the effectiveness of the therapeutic shampoo or mousse products to alleviate the skin conditions and symptoms in the participating dogs. The team is an established authority on researching products to alleviate troublesome skin conditions in dogs. 

 Photo by Michael Oxendine on Unsplash



Categories: Faculty Research