Course requirements
Formal coursework for the MS degree varies according to the field of study, interests, and career goals of the individual student. Courses may be taken in disciplines other than veterinary sciences. Students wishing to enroll in a 4000-level course need to consult with their advisor and the director of graduate studies prior to registration if they want to use the course in their degree program. Such courses may be appropriate to supplement any deficiencies in a student’s academic background provided the following guidelines are met:
- A maximum of six 4000-level course credits may be used to satisfy the master’s course requirement.
- At least 12 course credits must be completed as a registered University of Minnesota graduate student.
- A maximum of eight graduate course credits may be counted in common between two University degree programs.
- Approved transfer coursework may include a maximum of 8 graduate credits taken as a non-degree seeking or non-admitted student.
- Transfer of thesis credits is not allowed.
- At least two-thirds of course credits must be taken with grades A-F.
MS program requirements
Course credits: 20 credit minimum to be taken in Veterinary Sciences or a related field
Thesis credits: 10 credits (VMED 8777)
Total credits: 30 credits minimum
Required courses
- VMED 5190 Seminar and Presentation Development for Graduate Students
- VMED 5910 Grant Writing: What Makes a Winning Proposal?
- VMED 8134 Ethical Conduct of Animal Research
- VMED 8550 Veterinary Medicine Seminar (2 credits)
- At least one additional 8000-level course in major field
- At least one course in statistics or biostatistics (two are recommended)
Recommended courses to fulfill biostatistics requirement credits
- VMED 5915 Essential Statistics for Life Sciences
- VMED 8910 Statistical Principles of Research
- PUBH 6450 Biostatistics I
- PUBH 6451 Biostatistics II
- Stat 5021 Statistical Analysis
- Stat 5031 Statistical Methods for Quality Improvement
- Stat 5302 Applied Regression Analysis
Statistics courses other than those recommended can be used to fulfill this requirement with the approval of the student’s advisor, thesis committee, and the Program Advisory Committee.
Degree timeline
The following timeline is recommended for all MS students in the Veterinary Sciences program. Following this timeline will ensure you complete all program requirements and progress through the program in an efficient and timely manner.
Year one
- Begin coursework.
- Required courses are:
- VMED 8134 Ethical Conduct of Animal Research
- VMED 8550 Veterinary Medicine Seminar
- VMED 5190 Seminar and Presentation Development for graduate students
- At least one course in Biostatistics (two are recommended)
- At least one additional 8000-level course in major field
- Submit GPAS for approval at the beginning of second semester
- Select thesis committee members, request form from Graduate Program Coordinator, and gain approval from PAC.
- Complete first committee meeting during your first year and submit committee meeting report form.
Year two
- Complete remaining coursework, including:
- VMED 5910 Grantwriting: What makes a winning proposal?
- Schedule two committee meetings to discuss thesis proposal, approximately once every six months and submit committee meeting report forms.
- Complete research project and write thesis.
Summer of year two or year three
- Visit the Graduate School's Degree Completion Steps to learn about the graduation process.
- Apply to graduate by the first day of the anticipated graduation month.
- Submit draft of thesis to advisor for approval.
- Note: thesis defense presentation date must allow a committee three weeks minimum of review time.
- Submit thesis to committee members (provide at least three weeks for review) and initiate thesis reviewers report form.
- Provide Graduate Program Coordinator with date, time, and location of thesis defense (at least two weeks prior).
- Initiate Final Exam Report form at least one day before final defense.
- Complete final defense presentation.
- Electronically submit final thesis manuscript.
- Schedule exit interview with graduate program coordinator.