Investigating microbiome in raptors

August 2, 2021


Dr. Elizabeth Miller and Dr. Irene Bueno from the Johnson/Singer lab along with Dr. Julia Ponder (The Raptor Center) have been awarded an Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund grant from the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR). The grant, entitled “Microbiome in Raptors: A New Tool for Conservation”, aims to better understand the impact raptor rehabilitation (treatment and captivity) has on the raptor gut microbiome and on the potential spread of antimicrobial resistance in the natural environment.

They will be comparing the gut microbiome of healthy raptors captured at Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory (HRBO) in Duluth MN during fall migration with injured raptors admitted to The Raptor Center (TRC) during the same timeframe. They will also longitudinally sample TRC raptors for antimicrobial resistant bacteria (ARBs) to assess whether birds are acquiring ARBs during their stay in captivity before being released back into the wild.

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