Sample collection - Dogs with Osteosarcoma ages 2-4 (COED-part 1)

golden retriever resting on floor
Principal Investigator
Jaime Modiano, VMD, PhD
Perlman Professor of Oncology and Comparative Medicine, Veterinary Clinical Sciences

Amber Winter, CVT
Research Professional 2
[email protected]

Current status: Open and enrolling

Study title

Sample collection - Dogs with cancer and healthy dogs aged 2-4 (part of Early Detection of Canine Osteosarcoma; COED)

Purpose of study

Osteosarcoma is a common disease of dogs, with tens of thousands of new cases diagnosed each year in the United States. This disease is treatable, but not curable. Even with the best available standard of care, about 65% of dogs with osteosarcoma will die or be euthanized due to their disease within one year of diagnosis, more than 80% within two years, and more than 90% within three years. This project is designed to develop a reliable, minimally-invasive blood-based test for early detection of canine osteosarcoma. The test could be combined with treatments to kill the tumors before they form. We are collecting blood samples from dogs with and without cancer to aid in developing this test.

Update April 2024:  We have collected all the healthy control samples needed. Currently only looking for dogs with osteosarcoma. 

Eligibility criteria

Dogs will be in 3 categories:

  • Dogs with confirmed stage-1 and stage-2 osteosarcoma which are scheduled for surgery at the Veterinary Medical Center
    • dogs that have a diagnosis confirmed by pathology or a suspected diagnosis of osteosarcoma from any area of the body
    • dogs can be of any breed, age and sex
    • initial blood samples must be drawn before surgery to remove the visible tumor
    • additional blood samples may be obtained during regularly scheduled appointments over the course of treatment and remission
  • Dogs with other confirmed cancers being seen at the Veterinary Medical Center
    • dogs that have a diagnosis confirmed by pathology or a suspected diagnosis of cancer other than osteosarcoma (such as hemangiosarcoma, melanoma, lymphoma, etc.)
    • the cancer can be in any area of the body, at any stage, of any pathological grade
    • dogs can be of any breed, age and sex
    • initial blood samples must be obtained prior to surgical removal of the tumor
    • additional blood samples may be obtained during regularly scheduled appointments over the course of treatment and remission


Dogs will have an initial blood sample collected at enrollment. Samples will be up to 10 mL (2 tsp.) depending on the size of your dog. In most cases, samples will be taken along with other blood samples that day (no additional needle stick required).

Dogs with cancer may be followed up with requests for additional blood samples when coming to the VMC for regular visits for treatment and remission.


There are no costs to participate in the study. Following the initial blood sample, owners will receive a $15 debit card for their participation.