Lyra 1 - blood collection study for lymphoma

golden retriever profile
Principal Investigator
Jaime Modiano, VMD, PhD
Perlman Professor of Oncology and Comparative Medicine, Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Caitlin Feiock, DVM
Assistant Professor, Veterinary Clinical Sciences

Amy Treeful, PhD, MS
Postdoctoral Associate - Masonic Cancer Center, 
Veterinary Clinical Sciences
[email protected]


Sara Pracht, CVT
Lead Research Professional, CIC Supervisor, 
Brain Tumor Clinical Trials Coordinator
[email protected]

Current status: Open and enrolling

Study title

Early Detection, Risk Stratification, and Strategic Prevention of Canine Lymphoma 
Part I (Training Set)

Purpose of study

This project aims to create a reliable blood test that can identify dogs at high risk of developing DLBCL. This test could later be paired with treatments to stop DLBCL from developing before it starts.

Eligibility criteria

Dogs may fit one of five categories 

1 & 2) Dogs with confirmed lymphomas (DLBCL and non-DLBCL groups):

  • dogs that have a diagnosis confirmed or a suspected diagnosis of lymphoma (cytology and flow cytometry may be required to confirm diagnosis prior to enrollment)
  • dogs can be of any breed, age and gender
  • initial blood samples must be drawn before cytotoxic chemotherapy or steroid therapy is started
  • additional blood samples may be obtained during regularly scheduled appointments over the course of treatment and remission


3) Dogs with confirmed cancers other than lymphoma: 

  • dogs that have pathologically confirmed or suspected diagnosis of other cancers
  • cancer can be in any anatomical site, at any stage, and of any pathological grade
  • dogs can be of any breed, age and gender
  • initial blood samples must be drawn before surgery to remove tumor
  • additional blood samples may be obtained during regularly scheduled appointments over the course of treatment and remission


4) Dogs with other chronic illness that is not cancer: 

  • dogs that have a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of a chronic inflammatory, metabolic, or immune mediated disease
  • disease can be local or systemic
  • dogs can be of any breed, age and gender
  • initial blood samples must be obtained before start of any treatment
  • additional blood samples may be obtained during regularly scheduled appointments over the course of treatment and remission


5) Dogs that are 2-4 years old and healthy:

  • owners must be amenable to completing follow-up surveys by email every 6-months
  • no prior cancer diagnosis
  • dogs can be of any breed and gender
  • no evidence of other disease (acute ear infections, minor skin conditions, minor dental disease are acceptable)


Dogs will have an initial blood sample collected at enrollment. Samples will be up to 25 mL (5 tsp) depending on the size of your dog. In most cases, samples will be taken along with other blood samples that day (no additional needle stick required).


The study will pay for costs associated with obtaining the blood samples. Owners will receive a gift card in the amount of $50 to help cover incidentals associated with the office visit, such as parking.

For dogs where additional diagnostics are required to obtain a definitive diagnosis, the study may provide up to $500 to cover the costs of these diagnostic tests.